Gabriel TIRONEAC | ASSIST Software Romania
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"We are all failures- at least the best of us are" - J. M. Barrie

CGI Production for everyone CGI Production for everyone - CGI pipeline demo video - ASSIST-Software

CGI Production for everyone

Hooman Invaders - Insights From Our Game Development Department Hooman-Invaders-ASSIST-Software-Romania

Hooman Invaders - Insights From Our Game Development Department

Stylized Character Design Rocky the boxing bunny

Stylized Character Design

High Poly Dreadnought Model High Poly Dreadnought Model Png

High Poly Dreadnought Model

Mechanical Rigging - Dreadnought Animation Setup Mechanical Rigging - Dreadnought Animation Setup PNG

Mechanical Rigging - Dreadnought Animation Setup

Environment Modeling for Mobile Games High poly model subcomponents

Environment Modeling for Mobile Games

Troll Model - Unity Mobile Asset Mobile Game Development Troll Model

Troll Model - Unity Mobile Asset

Zelgor Game Insights iOS game development- Zelgor

Zelgor Game Insights

Do you want to get in touch with us? 

If you are interested in our software development services, you would like to join our team, or you simply want to find out more about us, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line and a member of the ASSIST team will get back to you as soon as possible. We are sure we can ASSIST you.