START | ASSIST Software Romania | English
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Customer / Partner Country


Development location

Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • ▪ Website developmet
  • ▪ development of dashboards
  • ▪ Backend
  • ▪ e-learningplatform development
  • ▪ mobile app development



START - Strategic ParTnership to Improve InternAtionalization skills of SMEs in ReTail sector - aims to improve the internationalization skills of SMEs in the retail sector in order to encourage retailers to expand into international markets. The project will equip experienced retailers and youth and unemployed individuals interested in a career in retail with tools for improving their internationalization competencies and gaining the knowledge required to develop a competitive strategy for entering a foreign market.

The primary goals of the START project are to assist current and future retail professionals in developing an international strategy for their business by providing appropriate training and to ensure the successful implementation of the internationalization process using the latest technologies available.  

Target Groups:

  • SMEs in the retail sector 
  • Workers in the retail sector 
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Young and unemployed people interested in the retail sector 


  • Define the professional profile of an internationalization manager of SMEs in the retail sector to support additional training in this field, which should become a standard of reference when discussing internationalization training for retail.  
  • Train entrepreneurs, start-ups, and decision-makers from retail SMEs in key competences and skills so that they can expand their implementation internationally. 
  • Train young and unemployed people seeking  job opportunities in the retail sector, giving them a significant competitive advantage in the job market. 
  • Increase  workers’ digital literacy to facilitate distance learning and to optimize the use of e-commerce technologies to help small retail businesses grow. 

ASSIST Software plays the part of the technical partner within the consortium, being responsible for the design and development of the project’s website, as well as of a mobile app and an e-learning platform.

The Strategic ParTnership to Improve InternAtionalization skills of SMEs in ReTail sector or START is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA2 program of the European Union and submitted under the project ID 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000034627 / Grant Agreement nº 21PCP0013.  


  Co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union

Do you want to get in touch with us? 

If you are interested in our software development services, you would like to join our team, or you simply want to find out more about us, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line and a member of the ASSIST team will get back to you as soon as possible. We are sure we can ASSIST you.