ASSIST Blog | ASSIST Software Romania
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In our opinion, the Cloud is an actual cloud. You can put information on a Cloud Service and you can have access anywhere and...


Wednesday, November 12, 2014, in "Dimitrie Leonida" amphitheater at "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, was held the event "Open Gates ASSIST", to which were invited...

High poly model subcomponents

Design, 3D Design, Gaming

Environment Modeling for Mobile Games

My task was to create a 3d weapon selection screen for the mobile game Zelgor. It looked as a simple task, but once we analyzed to game flow especially between the GUI systems...

Old Female Civil Face Detail

Design, 3D Design, 2D Design

Passion, the secret ingredient in video games

Sculpting world war two civilian characters for Zelgor was fun! Yes, fun! Hard when you do it for the first time, but after three characters that are very different as shape,...


In this post we explore one way of keeping the application structured in a logical way, easy to understand and maintain, and serving the application to the browser in one...


Presentation of some of the most useful Scala libraries and frameworks which help ASSIST Software engineers to develop highly scalable applications that support concurrency and...


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