Ahead our passion for new technology and innovation, we love to be social, we always strive to share our work and also give something back to community.
Today ASSIST team has participated at popular radio show "Inspiration by Education" on Radio AS. The show theme was "Online Learning Platforms" where we present...
Zelgor for iPhone is our latest in-house development project. The game has reached a state in which we’d like to take a few moments to walk you through some of the features you...
Zelgor is one of the many projects we're developing here, at ASSIST Software, and it consists in a social game in which you can conquer territories and (real-life) locations...
Entertainment Learning company today launches the official version of the English Attack! online language learning service in Romania. The site is already available with a user...
English Attack! is the world’s first 100% entertainment-focused online resource for helping people around the world...
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