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Design, Gaming, iOS, Mobile

CROOZ launches ACR Drift racing game on iOS

CROOZ has announced the release of its latest game on iOS.ACR Drift is an arcade drift racing game on iOS mobile platforms. Following you can find the review divided into six...


New technologies are changing the way we live, work, play, communicate, and learn. Keeping up with these changes and adapting to the evolving needs of today’s organizations is...


Modelling a Flak 88 AA Gun or any mechanical model requires a different approach from modeling a character due to the technical and physical requirements that come along with...


Here at ASSIST Software most programmers use Unix based operating systems because it has many advantages. In this article I will try to describe how we use it and how open...


In this article, we'll talk about some of the most important javascript frameworks and libraries, which we commonly use in our projects, and how to use them in order to build a...

iOS-7-flat-redesign-highlights_ promoted image

Design, iOS, Mobile

iOS 7 flat redesign highlights

It's been a long road for Apple to arrive with the new iOS 7.Over the years, from the first version to the iOS 6, things stuck around largely unchanged. But now, for the first...


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