Raluca VERDIS | ASSIST Software Romania
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"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." - Albert Einstein

Hard Surface Modeling with PBR texturing - Tutorial  Hard-surface-modeling-with-PBR-texturing-final-3D-model-ASSIST-Software

Hard Surface Modeling with PBR texturing - Tutorial

The Blacksmith’s House - PC Download & WebGL Version The-Blacksmith’s-House---WebGL-Version-ASSIST-Software-Romania

The Blacksmith’s House - PC Download & WebGL Version

The Blacksmith’s House - A 2D to 3D workflow pipeline The Blacksmith’s House - A 2D to 3D workflow pipeline.

The Blacksmith’s House - A 2D to 3D workflow pipeline

Hand Painting 3D Models in Photoshop PBS

Hand Painting 3D Models in Photoshop

Game Environment - Unity Mobile Asset Enviroment Concept Art

Game Environment - Unity Mobile Asset

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