ASSIST Software at EU Business Mission in Bangkok, Thailand | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software at EU Business Mission in Bangkok, Thailand

Wed, 27 Jun 2018

 ASSIST Software at EU Business Mission in Bangkok, Thailand-ASSIST Software Romania

ASSIST Software will be participating from June 29 to June 30, 2018, at the 8th business mission under the EU Business Avenues in South East Asia programme, Information & Communication Technologies. During this event, selected European companies will be reunited in Bangkok, Thailand in order to explore potential business opportunities with the local companies.  

ASSIST Software will showcase outsourcing software services such as web development, mobile applications, e-health, e-commerce, e-learning, and cloud. 
Join us at Crystal Hall, Level 3, The Athenee Hotel, Bangkok, and see how we can help in solving your digital challenges.

Explore the advantages of Software Development Outsourcing to Romania and what makes this country a top software outsourcing destination!

Register as a trade visitor to visit exhibitions. Please follow this link if you have yet to do so.
If you have any difficulties, please contact the Business Registration team at
Indicate interest in business matching.

Please indicate your interest by emailing with your name, name of your company, and contact number. The business matching team will be in touch to assist you in setting up meetings with relevant EU companies.
We welcome the opportunity to explore potential business collaborations with you! 




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