ASSIST Software's award-winning streak in 2023

December 05, 2023
3 min read

As we approach the end of another year filled with both opportunities and challenges, it's a good time to take a few minutes and look back at the important things that have happened so far. Although we have witnessed and experienced the forces of constant technological change, it has not limited our efforts to perform. In fact, it has given us the opportunity to innovate. So, one thing is certain: innovation is in our DNA, and we will never stop delivering the best results in all our projects.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into day-to-day tasks has revolutionized the way we work. The fast advancement of technology comes with many perks and challenges for the software development industry, and our curiosity has allowed us to discover all sides of this wave. More than that, it has pushed us to adapt to all the changes and embrace them in the best practical manner.

We believe that there is no technological trend that should scare us; instead, we try to use every new tool as a way to be more efficient. This has given us a competitive advantage and has proven to be a good way to reach new horizons in terms of success and performance.


This national award was presented to us by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, based on our results in 2023. We are honored by this recognition and proud to maintain our position at the top, as this is also our first year in the "large companies" category. This demonstrates that a close-knit team of more than 300 innovative minds is able to join forces for great achievements and goals. So, we can only be grateful for the award and thank every member of the ASSIST Software team for contributing to these outstanding results through their dedication and professionalism.

  • 1st place - Romania Top Companies 2023, Suceava County, field 72: Research and Development
  • 1st place - Romania Top Profit 2023, Top for Romania, field 7219: Research and development in other natural sciences and engineering.
  • 1st place - Romania Top Profit 2023, Top for Suceava County, field 72: Research and Development.
  • Title of "Large Romanian Company 2023", Top for Romania, Suceava County, field 72: Research and Development.

However, we hope there will be more to come! We will continue to deliver high quality software services and operate at the highest standards of performance. We want to maintain our activity at an efficient level to meet all client requirements.

All these awards and distinctions motivate us to provide the best software services we can and keep our team strong and united. All of us are committed to achieving success and we jointly celebrate every milestone reached. Therefore, we will continue to do our best to stay on top and bring innovation to the next level. We would like to thank all those who have placed their trust in us and support our work.

If you need a reliable partner for your software development projects, contact us!

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