SkillHelp LLTA in Volos

September 23, 2022
2 min read
SkillHelp LLTA in Volos - ASSIST Software - Suceava

As a member of the SkillHelp project consortium, ASSIST Software was invited to participate in the LTTA hosted by InnovED in the captivating city of Volos, Greece, between September 5th and 8th, 2022. In the Erasmus+ context, LTTA stands for Learning, Teaching, Training Activities and it is intended to provide partners with conceptual and procedural knowledge related to the field the project has set out to explore. We remind you that the main objective of the SkillHelp project is to enhance the soft skills of social workers, which are critical in their line of work. 

The LTTA was designed to ensure that the digital didactic content developed within the project would answer the needs of the target group, while also being interesting, innovative, and cohesive. To this end, based on their expertise, participants gave insightful presentations on key elements that need to be considered when developing the materials, including an in-depth analysis of the particularities of social work, different methodological approaches, and the technical requirements. Partners established the structure of the course, which will address ten soft skills:

  • building interpersonal relations;
  • communication;
  • negotiation;
  • empathy;
  • mediation and conflict resolution;
  • ability to empower and motivate;
  • stress and burnout resilience;
  • ethics in social work;
  • efficiency and organization skills and assertiveness.

The consortium gained first-hand knowledge of the challenges faced by workers in this sector through the participation of several experienced social workers from Cyprus, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, and Poland, who will further contribute to the development of the course content. This will ensure that the target groups’ needs are met.  

The meeting was wrapped up with discussions on dissemination activities, project management and action points to be addressed in the coming months.   

Stay tuned for more exciting news about the SkillHelp project, as we will soon release the project website!

We remind you that SkillHelp is a project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education, with project reference 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000035104

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