L2L Entrepreneurship Erasmus+ Project 1st Newsletter

March 14, 2016
3 min read
 L2L Entrepreneurship Erasmus+ Project 1st Newsletter-ASSIST Software Romania

We are pleased to present the first newsletter about the Erasmus+ project "L2L Entrepreneurship - Learning to learn entrepreneurship for low skill young people“ that has just started with great enthusiasm in Valencia.

What is the project about?

"L2L Entrepreneurship" is a KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training of Erasmus+ Programme that was designed for supporting low skills young entrepreneurs to develop and realize business ideas to be launched on the European and global markets. The partnership will produce a free training course that will provide tools in all the essential aspects of the entrepreneurship process for the creation of a Winning Business Plan. The on-line training course will be available on an e-learning platform for young aspiring businessmen, trainees and also for expert trainers who can use it as support for face to face lessons and for distance and online courses.

Motivations, Needs and Challenges

The project‘s idea was based on the fact that in this period of crisis is important to raise the level of education in order to support the European economy and to increase the employment levels. The partners believe that successful entrepreneurial initiatives of young people can be also acquired from the results and experiences of a previous project called "Let's, Learning to learn", for senior workers.

Main Aims
  • Supporting new business creation;
  • Increasing opportunities for professional development;
  • Giving the opportunity to be involved in learning activities;
  • Increasing the sense of initiative, self-confidence, and employability of youth;
  • Strengthening the relations between education, training and international businesses world;
  • Developing new and innovative methods and formal, non-formal and informal ways of teaching and training.
Main Activities
  • Research on the national strategies for supporting business development for young entrepreneurs in all Partners‘ countries.
  • Transnational comparison and analysis of the results of the national researches.
  • Development of an innovative e-learning Training course to support young entrepreneurs to develop their business ideas and to be competitive on the market.
Main Results
  • An increasing number of low skill young people trained to develop their business ideas in different European countries;
  • Low skill young with more awareness, experience and professional skills through the participation in the training on-line course;
  • New documentation, resources, innovative methodologies available on a free platform for trainees and trainers;
  • Creative video lessons and testimonials as a guideline to film, produce and post-produce all the didactic materials, on YouTube.
  • An open and stable window, the L2L web site, to get information regarding the projects, the aims, the activities, the results, the partnership and the training course during the life of the project and after;
  • Multiplier events to involve stakeholders and disseminate the project;
  • Dissemination materials, such as newsletter, press realizes and brochures.
L2L Kick-Off Meeting

The L2L Kick-Off Meeting was held in Valencia, October 22nd – 23rd 2015. During the days of the meeting, the partners had the chance to get to know the activities and experiences of the partners and to have a conversation about the importance of supporting business creation in the European and global markets, especially for young entrepreneurs. The partnership has specifically started to discuss the general structure and contents of the training course and the type of e-learning platform. Great importance was given to the new teaching and learning methodologies. The next transnational meeting will take place on February 25th – 26th 2016 in Rome, Italy, at ERIFO – Ente per la Ricerca e Formazione.

The L2L Entrepreneurship Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, action type: strategic partnerships, with the project number: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-015594.

The L2L Entrepreneurship project is formed of 6 partners from 5 countries (Spain, Romania represented by our company - ASSIST Software, Italy, Greece, and UK).

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