Meet us at the Midsize Enterprise Summit in Phoenix! | ASSIST Software Romania
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Meet us at the Midsize Enterprise Summit in Phoenix!

Mon, 09 Sep 2019

 Meet us at the MES Fall 2019 in Phoenix!-ASSIST Software Romania

For the second year in a row, ASSIST Software will be attending the Midsize Enterprise Summit 2019. This year, the event will take place between the 15th and 17th of September in Phoenix, Arizona at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort.

Over 200 participants are expected to attend this three-day event, which will include presentations, vendor solutions demos, technology showcases and plenty of opportunities for networking. Representatives from ASSIST Software will be present at this event to establish partnerships, discover new business opportunities, and explain in pre-arranged one-to-one meetings the advantages of choosing an offshore software development company from Romania.

At ASSIST Software, our employees cover an extensive set of skills and technologies, and they are constantly updating their skills and expanding their areas of expertise in order to be able to effectively respond to all of their clients' requests.

Our company can provide customized teams that can transform a simple idea into a high-end project, providing guidance and support throughout the whole development process and maintenance support for completed projects. ASSIST Software has a proven track record of delivering high-quality software solutions to a large number of satisfied clients around the world. 

Over the last 27 years, ASSIST Software has collaborated with more than than 252 clients with whom we have proudly built long-term partnerships, delivering high-quality services for a fair price and in a reasonable timeframe.

We are excited to attend this event and we are looking forward to meeting you at the Midsize Enterprise Summit in Phoenix to help you find the best strategy to fuel your business growth. See you there!

Make sure to book a meeting with our team to explore the advantages of software development outsourcing to Romania. 



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