ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation is here to help (Fundația Umanitară ASSIST) ASSIST Software Romania

ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation is here to help (Fundația Umanitară ASSIST)

Wed, 02 Mar 2022

ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation logo help in Suceava

For the past 30 years, ASSIST Software has supported its community and developed a culture focused on helping those in need. In doing so, we gradually observed that even the most minor action can significantly impact those who require a helping hand. This gave us the courage to start thinking about more ways to help. We started doing more.   

Whether we organized a donation drive, fundraising event, charity event, or environmental activity, we worked passionately.  

Our volunteers are ASSIST Software employees who work tirelessly on developing themselves and others. Over the years, more people joined our ranks, and we grew wings. 


Voluntar Fundatia Umanitara ASSIST "At first, I was a code hero and now with the new opportunity, I like to say I’m a world hero. Seeing how the people started to help each other in any situation made me think of 'Faith in humanity restored'"

Ionuț Mîndrescu - Fundația Umanitară ASSIST Volunteer


Some examples of the charitable activities we have taken part in: 


We built The ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation (Fundația Umanitară ASSIST) to create an umbrella for all the charitable activities we participate in as a team. Together we have organized numerous activities designed to help those in need. We initialized cultural and sporting activities. We helped people suffering and focused on children with special needs whenever we could. Furthermore, we wish to continue promoting education, culture, and science


Vlad Dedita ”It’s an unexplainable feeling to know that you can help somebody who truly needs it. I think we all should come back down from where we are and donate to others. It doesn’t matter how little or how much, give.” 

Vlad Dediță - Fundația Umanitară ASSIST Volunteer


You can change lives!  

It’s incredible how much we can achieve together. We now have a strong network of volunteers ready to work on any humanitarian task. We’re lucky to have exceptional colleagues.  


We are lucky to have you!  

However, you don’t need to become a volunteer to help. You can donate funds to the ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation (Fundația Umanitară ASSIST), which will be used for further endeavors. 

These are the payment details anybody can use to donate:

  • NGO name: Fundația Umanitară ASSIST
  • Registration number: CIF 45718567
  • NGO address: 1 Tipografiei Street, 720043, Suceava, Romania 
  • Bank: GARANTI BANK SA | Suceava Branch
  • Bank Address: 4th Stefan cel Mare Street, bl. 6, Suceava, Romania
  • RON IBAN Code: RO30UGBI0000332027395RON
  • EURO IBAN Code: RO23UGBI0000332027396EUR
  • USD IBAN code: RO20UGBI0000332027397USD

Voluntar Fundatia Umanitara ASSIST     ”When you are set on helping others, never think of how little it means to you, think of how much it means to them.” 

Paul Beresca - Fundația Umanitară ASSIST Volunteer


What is our current priority? 

Due to the current challenging global context and in the spirit of international human solidarity with those in need, we offer support to mothers, children, and students coming to Romania as refugees. 

We have already helped with: 

  • cross-country transportation
  • accommodation for refugees  
  • hundreds of packages of food, water, blankets, clothes, etc.  
  • other essential supplies
  • blood donation campaign

Voluntar Fundatia Umanitara ASSIST Humanitarian Aid ”I was impressed by how the impossible becomes possible when everybody shows empathy and wants to help.” 

Alex Ciurariu - Fundația Umanitară ASSIST Volunteer


This is only the beginning. We have much more work ahead of us. 

Join forces with us! Please support us! Donate or redirect 3.5% of your income tax, and you’ll discover that you can do more than you ever thought you could.   



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