ASSIST’s successful Blood Donation Campaign
Under the slogan “Be a #ProudDonor” ASSIST Software organized a successful blood donation campaign, a few days prior to the World Blood Donor Day that is annually happening on the 14th of July.
We wanted to get a head-start on the celebration so, for three days, beginning on the 8th of June and until the 10th, we planned our visits to the Blood Transfusion Center of Suceava.
The current health crisis has also affected Blood Transfusion Centers. When the number of donors suddenly dropped, centers were forced to make do with what they had but now that donating is possible again, all those that can take part should consider lending a helping hand. Any aid is greatly appreciated by those in need.
To make sure others heard about this initiative, we have also partnered with Group Mușatinii and BIZZ Café. We have all joined forces and invited as many company colleagues as possible to join, reminding everybody that a simple act of kindness can change lives.
Blood donations took place mostly in the morning, with people arriving as early as 8 am and diligently following the doctor and nurses’ instructions so that the process happened as smoothly and quickly as possible. Naturally, the Blood Donation event took place in compliance with all safety rules and regulations.
By the end of the campaign, we were happy to see that 28 people signed up to become #ProudDonors and sacrificed some of their time to head to the center and help others with a smile on their face, but also showing true concern for one of the most pressing issues in our community.
The 2021 edition was the third Blood Donation Campaign ASSIST Software has organized and such events will most likely continue in the years to come. We are now accustomed to come together and take initiative in matters related to wellbeing, health issues, and the environment.
ASSIST Software wants to set a good example in the community and so, we encourage all physically able people to consider June the perfect month to donate. ”Be a proud donor!” because you are not only sharing your blood but also hope to those that are currently suffering.