USV Company Fair 2024 - the first step towards a career in IT

May 16, 2024
2 min read
USV Company Fair 2024 - the first step towards a career in IT

ASSIST Software was one of the companies that participated in the recent Company Fair held on April 19th. This yearly event, hosted by the FIRESC Student Association at Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV), offers a platform for students to explore various career opportunities, particularly in the IT industry

As a leading software development company in Romania, we understand the significance of assisting young adults throughout their journey from university students to successful professionals. The USV Company Fair was a perfect chance for us to interact with them, provide valuable insights into the industry, and offer guidance on navigating their career paths in this rapidly evolving field. 

The place where theory meets practice

During the event, we engaged in conversations with numerous tech enthusiasts willing to pursue careers in software development. We delved into the necessary skills in the field, emphasized the significance of acquiring hands-on experience through internships and personal projects, and explored the various career opportunities available in the IT industry. 

Moreover, we highlighted the importance of a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge in computer science or related tech fields. For this, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava offers comprehensive programs and partnerships with companies like ASSIST Software, designed to prepare students with the required knowledge and skills for employment.

USV Company Fair 2024 - the first step towards a career in IT

Practical experience gained through internships, learning programs, and participation in coding competitions can significantly improve the student's employment chances. These opportunities allow students to apply their theoretical learning in real-world scenarios, develop relevant skills, and build a professional network. 

The things you need to learn

At the Company Fair, we showcased the diverse range of career opportunities available within our company in the broader software development landscape. We discussed our company culture, the projects we work on, and the opportunities for growth and learning within ASSIST Academy.


Even though our time at USV was limited to just one day, we ensured that access to opportunities remained open and free. The ASSIST Academy platform provides information on student competitions, internships, and additional learning resources. Thus, we encourage students to explore these resources to advance their professional progress in software development. 

In conclusion, the Company Fair provided a valuable platform for us to connect with students and offer guidance. As a company committed to promoting talent and innovation, we are excited to continue supporting the next generation of software developers. 

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