Open Doors ASSIST 2020 - Postponed!

March 02, 2020
2 min read
Open Doors ASSIST 2020 - Postponed!
Event updates

We join the efforts of the authorities to overcome the challenges caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), while also supporting the measures announced by the Board of Directors at the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava to increase the safety of the students

Accordingly, we announce the postponement of the ASSIST Open Doors 2020 event for a later date. The event was scheduled to take place on the 18th of March at the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. 

In this period, it is essential for us to give absolute priority to the health and safety of participants at our events, our colleagues and their families, and implicitly, the community we are a part of. 

The close collaboration with the next generation of programmers is one of our priorities this year, so we will continue to support the professional development of the students

Don't worry! We are digital.

That’s why, as of today, students can apply online for our summer internship sessions. Applicants must register by the 22nd of March, 2020 using this link:

Technology is a good ally for us during this period, so we are preparing a series of materials for the online environment that will meet the learning and professional development needs of the students. We invite you to follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with our events/activities. 

We are all responsible for being informed about the coronavirus and transmitting information to those close to us. By caring for others and observing all the preventive measures recommended by the authorities, we have the power to make a significant contribution to reducing the spread of the virus in our community. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding! We look forward to meeting you at the next edition of ASSIST Open Doors and all of the other events organized by our team. 

Check out our after movie from Open Doors 2019!

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