Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

July 20, 2022
1 min read

ASSIST Software has been heavily involved in European Union-funded research and innovation projects for the past 12 years, building up a portfolio of 23 projects under various programs: Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FP7, Eureka/Eurostars, Erasmus+ and POC 2014-2020

Our current focus is on submitting project proposals under the open and upcoming Horizon Europe calls. We have extensive experience in EU projects implementation, allowing us to participate in consortia both as technical partners and project coordinators. Contact us for Horizon Europe or other funding programs!  

Learn about our recent activities in 2022!

Latest Updates on ASSIST’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives - ASSIST Software - Suceava
Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

EveryFish is an ambitious Horizon Europe project that proposes to develop a solution to monitor the capture of fish and prevent overfishing, with the use of modern AI and computer vision algorithms to detect the species and size of fish and keep track of the captures from each vessel. The collected data will be added to a publicly accessible blockchain-based distributed database to aid in the enforcement of regulations.  Furthermore, the project proposes to develop innovative governance strategies based on automatically reported catch data. The consortium of EveryFish is made up of a series of specialized companies, research institutes, and national fishing authorities from Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Turkey, and Romania, under the coordination of Sintef Ocean.  

Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

SkillHelp - Support for the Development of Social Workers' Skills – is an ERASMUS+ project with the main objective of enhancing social workers’ soft skills, while emphasizing the emotional and psychological aspects of the services they provide and strengthening relationships with people who benefit from social assistance. To this end, the SkillHelp consortium, made up of organizations from Poland, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania, will develop a psychometric approach-based standardized tool to assess soft skills, as well as a compelling online course designed to empower social workers.  This course will provide them with digital guides and materials to help them improve the critical soft skills needed to work with people at risk of social exclusion. ASSIST is in charge of developing the project website, the digital diagnostics tool, and the eLearning platform.

Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

START – Strategic Partnership to Improve Internationalization skills of SMEs in Retail sector – is an Erasmus+ project that aims to equip retailers with the necessary skills and knowledge to venture abroad and develop a competitive strategy for entering a foreign market. To accomplish this, the project consortium will create an online interactive training course, which will be available on the eLearning platform ASSIST Software will design and develop.  

 Latest Updates on ASSIST’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives - ASSIST Software - Suceava
Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

Late April 2022 marked the successful completion of the Smart EVC project, implemented by the resourceful teams of ASSIST Software and Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. The consortium leveraged blockchain & machine learning to create a smart management platform for electric vehicle charging stations. The peer-to-peer charging system and transacting component are enabled using a blockchain microservice built on Ruby and Ethereum smart contracts, for decentralization. The product is cloud-based and ASSIST was responsible for developing the platform, the mobile applications and the intelligent reservation module using reinforcement learning algorithms and a wrapper over the latest OCPP version.

Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

After three exciting years of collaboration with the PRIORITY consortium, the project came to an end in January 2022, having met all of its established objectives. PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth is an innovative project that aims to promote the inclusion of young migrants in society and prevent marginalization and radicalization. The project seeks to empower young people from disadvantaged groups to engage and actively participate in society and drive positive change in their local communities. To accomplish these objectives, the consortium created and made use of innovative methods and practices generated through the skilful combination of youth work, training, cultural mediation, and sports. 

Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives
 ASSIST Siftware Our Digital Future project logo

We will soon release the ODF platform and mobile app developed within Our Digital Future project, promoting eight emerging technologies among VET career advisors: Alternative Energy Consultancy, 3D Printing, Food Technology, Robotics, Cybersecurity, Virtual Reality design, Blockchain Technologies and Artificial Intelligence development. 

An important milestone that will soon be reached by the CounteR project consortium is the launch of the first version of the CounteR platform, which will detect potential radical content online and thus enable law enforcement agencies to prevent radicalization and terrorist attacks.  

 ASSIST Software CounteR project logo

ASSIST is on the verge of finalizing two challenging research projects: HR ASSISTant - Intelligent Platform for Human Resources Management and STP – Smart Tracking Platform, implemented under the umbrella of CENTRIC -  Center for knowledge transfer to enterprises in the ICT field.  

ASSIST Software HR ASSISTant logo

The HR ASSISTant project consists of conducting extensive research on human resources management systems and the subsequent development of several HR software modules with additional features, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Some of the envisaged modules are related to employee profile, performance management, lifelong learning and development and recruitment, so as to meet the needs of a software engineering company.

ASSIST Software Smart Tracking Platform project

Planned to be implemented in close collaboration with researchers from the Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, the STP project is in line with the CENTRIC field of interest: researching, designing and developing software modules for an asset tracking software application, based on cloud, artificial intelligence and blockchain / distributed ledger technology, adopted as Software as a Service.

Latest Updates on ASSIST Software’s R&D Activities and Horizon Europe Perspectives

We are currently awaiting the evaluation results for multiple proposals under various calls of the Horizon Europe program, many of which address circular economy issues. Furthermore, ASSIST Software has been invited to join several consortia to submit project proposals under the open and upcoming Horizon Europe calls, such as: 

  • HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01-03 – Smarter buildings for better energy performance; 

  • HORIZON-CL3-2022-SSRI-01-04 – Social innovations as enablers of security solutions and increased security perception; 

  • HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01-02 - Trustworthy methodologies, tools and data security “by design” for dynamic testing of potentially vulnerable, insecure hardware and software components 

  • HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01-04 - Development and validation of processes and tools used for agile certification of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes 

Contact us for Horizon Europe or other national and EU Calls, so we can foster new ideas and translate them into socio-economic value together! 

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