Alicja GRZEGORZEK Testimonial | ASSIST Software Romania
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I've collaborated with ASSIST in an EU FP7 funded research project and I am writing to both endorse and recommend ASSIST as a partner for such projects.
The best measure of success for me is the feedback from the partners of the project where we participate - my colleagues have been laudatory in their comments and have achieved the overall objective with the excellent support of ASSIST.
Since the beginning of our collaboration, I know the ASSIST team to be great team players and very professional technological support providers. I strongly recommend collaboration with ASSIST.


Regional Director at Ateknea Solutions


The objective of the DURAFILE project is the development of a platform made by intelligent agents that exchanges dynamic knowledge and information among them (as a type of social search) with the goal of finding suitable preservation plans for obsolete multimedia digital objects.


The VinBot represents a powerful precision viticulture tool, which does not exist today: the cloud-computing agricultural robot. 

The VINBOT extends visual leaf and fruit estimation throughout the entire vineyard and centralizes yield management in the SME-AGs by providing them with online yield maps of their members' vineyards.


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Brian Torrey

Head Of Engineering

Stratify Technologies, Inc., Seattle, Washington


Julia Turc


Storia AI, New York

Photo of Spencer Cheng CEO Metastitch, Inc.

Spencer Cheng


Metastitch, Inc.

Sorin Manta - ASSIST Software Testimonial

Sorin Manta


LUMOS Technologies Inc.

Brian Minick - ASSIST Software client

Brian Minick




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