English Attack! Project | ASSIST Software Romania
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Customer / Partner Country


Development location

Suceava, Romania




Main activities

  • Analysis
  • Architecture & Design
  • Custom Software Development
  • Software Testing
  • Search Engine Optimization


PHPDrupalMySQLjQueryCDNHTML5MongoDBNodejsAmazon SQSiSpeechAWS WAFAmazon S3VideoJSJenkinsNew RelicJMeterSaltStackLinuxFlashWebGLSassFlaskAdyen

English Attack! is the first English-language learning service specifically designed for the digital generation. Our approach features a worldwide community of learners of English; and uses short-session online entertainment to encourage frequent digital immersion in real everyday English, with fresh content published daily.

We are involved in developing and improving the current version of English Attack! One of our important goals is to optimize the website, increasing its performance by using CDN and special caching techniques. Amazon SQS helps us maintain a healthy flow of messages to the database, thus improving the overall performance of the website.

A challenging task was to develop the new coaching feature, where we used intensively Node.js and MongoDB.

We are using the iSpeech service in exercises to provide users the possibility to hear the pronunciation of the expressions they learn.  Also, AWS WAF helps protect the website and API against common web exploits by creating and maintaining security rules with the integrated API. 

ASSIST is also English Attack! commercial and marketing partner for Romania and Moldavia. Using advanced SEO techniques and social media marketing, we engage people to use English Attack! platform and to enjoy learning English daily.

In 2016, ASSIST team managed to complete the design revamp of the platform. We tried a more modular approach. We tried to work in terms of components and not in terms of pages. Implementing a design using components is a more reliable method if we take into consideration how many developers work on this project. We used Sass with some cool mixins to make thinks easy and also some custom Javascript plugins for more specific English Attack needs.

With the use of Amazon S3, the media used on the website is always available and most important, secure against attacks and hardware failures. The highly customizable VideoJS framework is used to play the videos on the website.

Check out the achievements by accessing English Attack!, or browse through screenshots. 

We recently launched a new product related to learning English called Lingua Attack!

Paul Maliogne testimonial on ASSIST Software's services
Paul Maglione
CO-founder Entertainment Learning

This is to attest that for nearly a year now we have had a close relationship with ASSIST Software SRL, based in Suceava, Romania, for a range of product and service development issues related to our edutainment web service,


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