TickerFit | ASSIST Software Romania
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Customer / Partner Country


Development location

Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • Analysis
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Software Testing



Today, many people are experiencing weight problems or obesity. In this century the weight issue has become a significant healthcare challenge throughout society all around the world.

The TickerFit application provides simple and easy to use access to offer individualised physical activity programms for patients, access a social support community and also other features designed to assist the patient lead a more active, healthy life.

By using TickerFit’s app the healthcare professionals can empower patients to take control of their wellness using exercise to complement, and in some cases eliminate, pharmaceutical medication.

With this app the patient can view their activity over time, and they can view their progress day by day.

ASSIST Software’s contribution to the project is the development of TickerFit mobile app, which brings highly innovative advantages. The solution provided by ASSIST Software brings numerous advantages, like: the patient can use simple and easy the app, edit their profile, view their activity over time and receive or send short messages securely to health professional.

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