HR ASSIST - an integrated platform for workforce management
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HR ASSIST is an HR (human resources) platform that addresses workforce management capabilities and is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. The platform has a dedicated HR portal to keep all critical information in one place by using a MySQL database for saving employee documents.

HR ASSIST is a single solution that allows you to centralize HR data such as recruitment profiles, internship data, employee profile and attendance, scheduling, holidays requests and more.

Data is updated in real time, so managers can make decisions based on the latest, most accurate information. The platform enables managers to access the entire hiring pipeline via a single dashboard. The dashboard can be filtered according to the requested information, allowing managers to easily monitor recruitment data and application statuses.

HR-ASSIST is an open source web application built using Rails 5.0.1 for the back-end and Angular 1.5.9 for the front-end.



  • Managers can filter the list of employees (by name, technologies, job title, status & skill rating), LIVE search employees;
  • Managers can add projects and additional information;
  • Employees can log in and complete their profile - e.g. an employee can add PHP as a skill and rate it with 1 to 5 stars, etc.
  • Managers have access to all employee profiles;
  • Employees can fill in,  print and submit holiday requests;
  • After a request is submitted, the team leader will receive an email and he can log in to the system and approve or reject the holiday request;
  • Employees can check the number of remaining vacation days;
  • Employees can enter/record their equipment information (workstation, monitor stand, etc.);



  • Employee profiles (personal details, job details, holiday requests, schedule, technical profile and projects, education, courses, and certifications);
  • Easily create and generate CVs in doc, pdf and Europass formats;
  • Centralized records for all employees, interns, and candidates;
  • Easily and instantly generate custom reports;
  • Various information filters;
  • Resource allocation (people, equipment, etc.);
  • Data is updated in real time.


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HR management platform by ASSIST Software Romania

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