Development location
Main activities
- Architecture & Design
- Custom Software Development
CloudMachine LearningArtificial IntelligenceDMIN project aims to establish a Danube Medical Informatics Network (DMIN) and prepare joint proposals for Horizon 2020 with clinical partners in the participating countries. DMIN will, among other activities, conduct workshops to establish the network, analyze local regulations for data sharing, and develop recommendations for metadata structures in biomedical research projects.
The research projects proposals to be prepared are in the EU – Societal Challenge 1, “Health, demographic change, and wellbeing” in Horizon 2020, and will have to address the provision of a sophisticated medical informatics research infrastructure able to perform innovative research.
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds the DMIN project.
Coordinator: University of Heidelberg: Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup-Gregori
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