Development location
Suceava, Romania
Die Online Kinderärzte is a web application developed by ASSIST Software intended to triage pediatric patients prior to a visit at the pediatrician or the emergency room. When a child has a medical problem and the parents cannot judge the severity of it, and it is after office hours, they will need to go to the emergency room. This leads to long waiting queues and a financial burden to the health care system.
Parents can access this platform at any time of the day, submit their symptoms, answer some questions and get valuable advice and instructions on how to proceed further. Depending on the symptoms the child presents, they can get home care advice, be redirected to a doctor or nurse or they can be recommended to go to the emergency room.
The application focuses on simple and user-friendly design in order to make it accessible to any patient, regardless of their technical background. It also centers patient feedback, offering multiple possibilities for this, feedback per question and even a user experience survey at the end.
The key feature in this project is the Symptom Checker based on the decision trees, created graphically by medical staff and imported through the administration panel. Through this platform, the user will choose a symptom and will go through a questionnaire that will identify whether the problem is an emergency or not.
In the administration panel, the medical staff can view survey results and export them for further analysis. Admin users are also able to add custom helping materials at every step of the survey, like medical term explanations or links to custom pages with more details about a certain condition or disease.
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