Career guidance workshop organized by ASSIST Software

February 27, 2020
1 min read

On the 19th of February 2020, Magdalena Isan, an HR Specialist at ASSIST Software, held a career guidance workshop at the Food Industry Technical College in Suceava (Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentară Suceava).

The "Educational and career guidance for young Europeans" workshop was part of the "European Citizen" inter-county educational project. During the workshop, Magdalena Isan talked to the students about the job opportunities available in Romania, the skills that they should acquire during high school and, most importantly, how they should choose their vocation.

We were glad to see that the students were very curious to find out about potential career opportunities and about how they could maximize their success in their chosen career path.

It was a unique experience for us and we are glad that we could inspire and help the students at the beginning of their career journeys.

We offer our sincere thanks to the teachers at the Food Industry Technical College in Suceava for supporting this wonderful event!

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