1st BladeSave Horizon 2020 Technical Meeting in the United Kingdom | ASSIST Software Romania
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1st BladeSave Horizon 2020 Technical Meeting in the United Kingdom

Fri, 13 Oct 2017

1st BladeSave Horizon 2020 Technical Meeting in the United Kingdom - ASSIST Software European Project -

On the 10th of October, took place the first technical meeting of the BladeSave Horizon 2020 project which has been hosted by the Smart Fibres at Bracknell, United Kingdom, with the participation of the European Commissioner, Ivan Ginga.

After a short introduction of each partner, Mr. Ivan Ginga has made a presentation on project management, reporting, dissemination, and communication from the EU Commission point of view.

After that, it followed a short review of the work packages and a short introduction to the WindManager application, the blade damage assessment process, the blade defect matrix, and also to the SmartSonic system development process.

Further, it was established that the lab trails needed to be carried out before the tests with blade section samples. Also, each partner activity to the first work package was decided and agreed upon.
It was analyzed the hardware system requirements needed and identified the hardware in charge of the data communication electronics.

The meeting ended with discussions on the project calendar regarding the work plan ahead and the date and location of the next meeting.

The BladeSave Project is co-funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and submitted under H2020-FTIPilot-2016 Innovation Action call, with the project ID 760353

Partners of the BladeSave Project Consortium:

  Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union



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