Ahead our passion for new technology and innovation, we love to be social, we always strive to share our work and also give something back to community.
You have probably heard this a lot: that the easiest way to start a career in the IT industry is to start with testing. I was thinking the same thing when I...
Creating a CGI character was a new challenge for our Game Development department as we decided to get out of our comfort zone and do something new with the...
Software Quality Management System refers to the activities used by companies to manage the delivery of high quality products. It can be realized in various ways depending on...
In order to develop an accessible website, it must comply with the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards. The standards from...
How to create a custom Alexa skill using AWS Lambda and Serverless framework
In this article, you'll learn more about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and how to create an Amazon Alexa Skill using Serverless Framework. And further, we'll show...
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