Young Colours Workshop | ASSIST Software Romania
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On 8-10 of September we held a workshop programme for students called ASSIST Young Colours.

The aim of our workshop is to not only expose students to the process of using theoretical knowledge to achieve practical results, but also to involve them into real-life challenges in a vibrant environment and help them gain real world experience while doing so.

Until now, most of our focus was on working with university students, but this year we wanted to try something different, we chose 11 high-school students from two of the best schools in Suceava: Colegiul National “Petru Rares” and Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu” to participate in our new programme. The workshop allowed them for three days to develop professional skills such as teamwork, effective communication, and social interaction as well as some specific technical skills in web technologies and 3D graphics.

Some candidates were more experienced than others but this was definitely not a drawback, because the plan was to help them learn from each other and to enhance everyone's baggage of knowledge.

The calendar

During the first day, the ASSIST team was focused on accommodating our high-school students to the new environment by introducing the event, holding a company presentation and taking a building tour. Vlad Otrocol, introduced the event with 2 insightful presentations entitled: “Computer Architecture” and “Artificial Intelligence”, after which the students got ready for the next day by making the required setups for the projects that would follow.

The second day was all about basic 2D graphics. Our colleague Andrei Hilote used his presentation to introduce students to the basic concepts of web development. They also discovered new things about 2D Drawing that helped them solve the first batch of exercises. Stimulated by the second presentation, and impressed by what can be achieved, at the end of the day, they managed to create their own 2D Game using the skills learned during that day.

On the third day, our colleague Gabriel Tironeac talked about 3D technologies in his presentations entitled: “The pipeline behind creating 2d and 3D assets for a mobile game” and “Introduction to 3DSMax”. He also walked the students through the pipeline behind building one of the CGI assets (Cannon Tower) from the new game developed by the ASSIST 3D Team (Hooman Invaders).

The entire activity ended by celebrating each student successful with going out bowling and having lots of fun.


Below you can find some representatives pictures:

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