Cover job fair Suceava - ASSIST Software

This Friday (May 13th), our team will be present at the job fair organized by the FIRESC student association at the "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. You will be able to find us on the ground floor of building E from 10 AM – 4 PM. Come and talk to our HR representatives and software development specialists (many of whom are USV graduates) and find out how you can start a successful career in IT! 
By attending the job fair, you will have the opportunity to apply for and ask questions about our summer internships for students. You will also be able to check out our job listings and choose the one that best suits you.
Want to learn more about the software industry or develop your skills in a team that values your talent?

Kick-start your software development career in Suceava

Chat to our colleagues at our stand, and they will be happy to answer your questions and give you step-by-step advice on starting your career the right way. Not only will we provide you with the information you need, but we guarantee an interactive experience, #InnovativeMinds style. There will be a number of interactive surprises/activities during the event, one of which will be organized by our Gaming and Simulations department. If you are considering a career in game development, you will have the chance to talk to our specialists, who will pique your interest by sharing the exciting and fun aspects of their work in this department.
And to dive deeper into each of the main fields in software development, we will also provide a range of learning resources that you can use whenever you have a challenge or want to learn something.  

Join our internships for students

ASSIST Academy will provide you with plenty of valuable learning and development resources. But ultimately, the most effective learning process is through practice. Within our community, you will receive helpful advice, and you will be able to access the rich experience of our specialists. Dedicate two weeks to your professional development this summer and chart a strategic direction for your plans.  

In addition to developing your skills in a flourishing and friendly environment, you will have the chance to start your career at ASSIST within a specialized software development team at the end of the internship program.   

Choose the career path that most interests you and join our innovative community.

Find the best career opportunity:
  • Java Developer 
  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Python Developer 
  • Network Technician 
  • QA Engineer 
  • Cyber Security Specialist 
  • Android Developer 
  • iOS Developer 
  • Front End Engineer 
  • 3D, UI/UX Designer   
  • And many more.   

Check out our jobs page to see all our open positions.  

Have we piqued your interest?

We look forward to seeing you at our stand on the ground floor of building E with special surprises and innovative ideas! Come and talk to us about your passions and future career plans.  

See you on Friday!    

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