Our Digital Future Project - Kick-Off meeting

April 29, 2021
2 min read
Our Digital Future Project - Kick-Off meeting

On the 23rd of April 2021, the partners of the “Our Digital Future” Erasmus+ project met online for the official project kick-off meeting. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet for the consortium, which is made up of five members, from five different European countries: STOWARZYSZENIE "EURO LIDER" - Poland, CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND INNOVATION – Greece, INSTALOFI LEVANTE SL – Spain, UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA – Portugal and ASSIST Software – Romania.  

The main objectives of the project were touched upon, and their importance highlighted. As a company whose values are centered around the betterment of the community through innovation and development, ASSIST Software understands the value of the project’s mission to foster the acquisition of digital skills among Europeans and raise awareness about future digital jobs. 
The Erasmus + project aims to boost the interest of VET career advisors in promoting future digital jobs and to improve their abilities in delivering high-end career advice in an online format. Ultimately, the project’s end goal is to align the educational systems with the current and future needs of employers and the emerging digital economy.  

We remind you that “Our Digital Future” is a project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action 226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. 

Our Digital Future ERASMUS MEETING ASSIST Software

The Our Digital Future project is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA226 program of the European Union and submitted with the project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-VET-095406.

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