Our Digital Future Project Closes with Exciting Results!

March 31, 2023
2 min read
Our Digital Future Project Closes with Exciting Results!

The Our Digital Future (ODF) project, implemented by ASSIST Software as the technical partner, has come to a successful conclusion after a two-year journey alongside partners from Poland, Spain, Portugal, and Greece. 

As part of this project, ASSIST Software was responsible for creating the project website, ODF Web App, and ODF Mobile App, which has been recently released on Google Play and App Store. The ODF apps consist of a platform for users to learn about emerging technologies such as Alternative Energy Consultancy, 3D Printing, Food Technology, Robotics, Cybersecurity, Virtual Reality design, Blockchain Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence development. The apps offer information about job opportunities, required skills, and training recommendations for each sector.

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ODF Mobile App Release on App Store ASSIST Software

In addition to the development of the ODF Web App and Mobile App, the consortium also conducted 16 video interviews with experts in the respective fields, providing valuable insights into the requirements and specific challenges of each sector.  

To further support vocational education and training (VET) career advisors in promoting digital jobs during career sessions, the consortium also created 16 compelling lesson plans. These plans offer a structured approach to introducing emerging technologies and digital careers to students, providing valuable resources for educators and career advisors alike. The lesson plans are designed to be engaging and informative, with a focus on practical knowledge and skills that are essential for success in the digital economy. The inclusion of these lesson plans is a significant contribution to the ODF project, highlighting the consortium's commitment to providing comprehensive resources for promoting digital careers and enhancing digital skills in Europe

Overall, the ODF project has been a resounding success, providing a valuable resource for young people seeking to acquire digital skills and knowledge in emerging technologies. ASSIST Software's contribution to the project, including the development of the ODF Web App and Mobile App, has been instrumental in achieving the project's objectives. Furthermore, the consortium is committed to ensuring that the ODF project’s impact continues to be felt in the years to come, having taken important steps to ensure the sustainability of the project.  

The ODF project serves as an excellent example of successful collaboration between partners and their dedication to promoting digital education for the benefit of future generations. 

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