Final PRIORITY Multiplier Event!

December 21, 2021
3 min read
Priority Project ASSIST Software

We are proud to announce that, as the PRIORITY project is gradually coming to an end, all the expected results have been successfully achieved. The five PRIORITY partners - Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. JKPeV (Germany),  KAINOTOMIA (Greece), ASSIST Software (Romania), CSC Danilo Dolci and Mine Vaganti (Italy) – have managed to cope with the chaos and unpredictability that characterized the last two years of project implementation and have skillfully adapted the organized activities to the new circumstances.   

ASSIST organized two sessions of the final Multiplier Event, on the 21st of October 2021 and on the 3rd of December 2021. Apart from disseminating project results, the event was designed to raise awareness concerning the social inclusion of young people at risk of marginalization through volunteering, and cultural and sports activities. 

The success of this undertaking was ensured by the close collaboration with our associated partner, the Bucovina Institute, a local NGO deeply rooted in the community and actively involved in socio-cultural activities. For the first session, ASSIST Software invited, with the support of the Bucovina Institute, several representatives of associations and NGOs involved in mentorship programmes, as well as local volunteers. The audience of the second session was made up of teachers and students from two local high schools. It was important for us to ensure that the dissemination activities reached the young people of the local community, who could then act as multipliers of inclusion. A total number of 43 people attended the final PRIORITY Multiplier Event.  

The main objectives of the Multiplier Event were to raise awareness among individuals and organizations about the results of the PRIORITY project and to encourage them to use the materials and guidelines developed within the project in their current practices and in their everyday lives.   

The following results were individually described:  

The participants in the first session of the event expressed their interest in the learning resources developed within the project and asked for details concerning the implementation of the project activities. The high school students displayed a keen interest towards the activities they can perform within a sociocultural hub and the impact of volunteering on their personal lives and on the community.  

The PRIORITY Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union program of the European Union and submitted under key action: support for policy reform, action type: social inclusion through education, training, and youth, with the project number 604571-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN. Four countries (Germany, Greece, Romania - represented by ASSIST Software and Italy) are involved in this program, plus six organizations.

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