DeCode Us at Open Doors ASSIST 2021

November 21, 2021
3 min read
Open Doors ASSIST Software Registration

Through the biggest ASSIST Software online event, we aim to encourage new talent, aspiring software engineers, and any other professionals to deCode Us and open doors to different career and life opportunities by learning about the company culture and its benefits. 

LIVE talks and Q&As

The event will take place on the 25th and 26th of November on two streaming platforms simultaneously. Starting at 5 pm, participants will be able to use ASSIST Software’s Facebook page or YouTube channel to tune into the event. 

Open Doors ASSIST 2021 will be broadcast LIVE. Thus, the audience will have the unique opportunity to ask questions related to the field of software engineering and receive answers immediately from our experienced colleagues. 

Student picked themes ONLY 

The event agenda was put together after a careful analysis of a student survey conducted by ASSIST Software earlier this year. Titles such as Hidden talents: What IT role suits you?, Working in an IT company and The line between theory and practice give students but a taste of the information that they will be receiving if they choose to spend two evenings together with ASSIST and our key speakers. 

Guest speakers will also be present and will be taking questions from the online audience via comment sections. So, this will be the perfect time for you to ask questions that you never had a chance to discuss with specialists directly. All the guests are yet to be announced, but we highly recommend you register for the event to be the first to access updates. 

You as an ASSIST Intern 

The path to a successful internship at ASSIST Software will also be ”decoded” since the in-house HR department representatives will be available to answer questions and talk about the best tips and tricks for those who want to plan, start, or change their careers. 

Open Doors ASSIST 2021 comes with a major surprise from the same HR department since we will be announcing a new ASSIST Software education concept – ASSIST Academy.  

In the works for quite some time, ASSIST Academy will be the best starting point for anybody interested in working in a software engineering company. You can also work in software engineering if that is your passion, even without previous knowledge or work experience.  

The Biggest PRIZES of any OPEN DOORS ASSIST event so far 

Valuable information is just a part of what you will be receiving as an audience member at Open Doors ASSIST. We are also giving out the greatest prizes so far to reward those who not only register for the event but also sign up for an ASSIST Academy Internship. 

Therefore, starting from the 23rd of November you will be able to apply for one of the 10 individual paid internships offered by ASSIST Software and you will also automatically enter the draw for a Microsoft Xbox Series S 512GB. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the entire event, on the 26th.  

Attendees will also have the possibility of winning smaller prizes during the breaks, which makes Open Doors ASSIST an event you certainly do not want to miss.  

START your successful career 

Be sure to also follow the special Facebook event where you’ll learn more about the surprises coming your way. 

Open Doors ASSIST is the software development event that could change your life and set you on the best path for advancement.   

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