CounteR 2nd General Meeting in Milan, Italy

July 17, 2023
2 min read
CounteR 2nd General Meeting in Milan, Italy

The CounteR project has been steadily gaining momentum and its results are taking tangible shape, the CounteR platform having most of its envisaged features already implemented and fully functional. We remind you that the objective of this project is to create an early detection tool for LEAs and ISPs, designed to gather and analyze data from dispersed sources to predict radicalization and violent extremism.

The consortium got together for the 2nd General Meeting, which took place between the 28th and 29th of June, 2023 in Milan, Italy. The meeting was hosted by Universita Catolica del Sacro Cuore, one of the project’s academic partners. 

On the first day, UCSC provided an extensive overview of their valuable findings related to the psychological and sociological factors leading to radicalization. CINI briefed the consortium about the progress achieved in implementing the data collectors, while INRIAIMAGGA and ELTE focused on NLP analysis, transfer learning and social network analysis. This was designed to clarify the way in which the CounteR system can be efficiently used by the LEAs. Following the presentation of the latest advancements in the development of the CounteR solution, ASSIST Software conducted an extensive platform demonstration, facilitating an engaging discussion with project partners. 

On the second day, ETICAS and MITLA delivered compelling presentations on data anonymization, ethics, and social impact assessment. The meeting continued with INSIKT and NOVA discussing the system’s field demonstrations and user validation. EI and MITLA took over to introduce IPR management and business exploitation aspects.  

Capitalizing on the occasion of the consortium's assembly, a dedicated piloting session was conducted on the third day, providing partners with the opportunity to actively test the CounteR solution and provide feedback.  

The Privacy-First Situational Awareness Platform for Violent Terrorism and Crime Prediction, Counter Radicalization and Citizen Protection Project or CounteR is funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and submitted under the H2020-SU-SEC-2020 call for proposals, with project ID 101021607

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