ASSIST Software teaming up for health at Suceava Marathon

On the 15th of September 2018, will take place the second edition of the event "Maratonul Cetăţii Suceava" which is organized by the International Non-governmental Organization, Save the Children Suceava. This event has been born from the necessity of bringing modern medical equipment in the Romanian hospitals' maternity and came as a wake-up call meant to raise funds for the newborn children in need.
ASSIST Software is always happy to support charity events like this, that’s why we’ve joined this activity organized by Save the Children Suceava as one of the main sponsors. Moreover, in this competition, ASSIST Software will be represented by a large number of employees who enjoy notoriety among professionals sportsmen and choose to run for this noble cause.
The event will take place around the Princely Fortress from Suceava where also, it will be placed the Start and the Finish line. Moreover, you need to know that the Marathon will have 4 routes and is prepared to match all age and training categories. Therefore, it will be a Long trail – 35 km, a Short trail – 22 km, a Popular trail – 4 km and the easiest, the Kid’s trail which is approximately 800 meters.
The event will start at 10:00 and is announced to be full of new surprises. Also, you need to know that each participant will be awarded a diploma and of course the great feeling that they have done something special for the community and the newborn children.
If you are interested to participate, you may find useful to know that Sunday, 9th September 2018 will be the last day for online registrations. Until the day of the contest, 15th September, you will have the chance to subscribe only at Save the Children Suceava headquarter in Suceava.