ASSIST Software Donated Blood for those in need
Between the 10th and 14th of June 2019, ASSIST Sofware in partnership with the local blood transfusion center organized a blood donation campaign to honor World Blood Donor Day and raise awareness about the blood crisis facing Romanian hospitals.
The "Ai sânge de salvator? Fii #MândruDonator!" campaign took place at the blood transfusion center (Centrul Județean de Transfuzie Sanguină Suceava) and the main objective of the campaign was to increase the number of blood donors in Suceava.
The "Ai sânge de salvator? Fii #MândruDonator!" campaign represented a gesture of solidarity and social responsibility among all locals. It was a great way to raise awareness about the blood crisis in Romanian hospitals and show our community that together we can make a change in the lives of people who depend on the blood of others.
The aims of the campaign were to encourage people to donate blood and educate people about the importance of blood donation. We are very proud of our courageous colleagues that participated in the campaign by donating blood.
It was impressive to see participants that had never donated before donating for the first time. Because of this campaign, they proved us that good deeds are done together and unity is the most important thing when it comes to social causes.
The blood donation campaign was not only targeted to ASSIST Software employees. In fact, volunteers from several companies and non-governmental organizations from Suceava joined our campaign together with their friends and family members. Some of these companies/organizations include the Beard Brothers Association, Bizz Cafe, BioMobila, Novaoptic Ophthalmology Clinic, and Muşatinii Typography.
Moreover, on June 14th, which was World Blood Donor Day, everyone that donated blood during the campaign was rewarded by Bizz Cafe with free coffee that they could enjoy at the café throughout the day.
At the end of the campaign, Dr. Maria Pilat, the director of the blood transfusion center in Suceava, declared that the community involvement was impressive, with a significant number of donations being registered during the five days of the campaign.
She was also happy to see that the majority of donors were young: The blood donation campaign was a success, especially due to the number of young people who participated. We are convinced that once people get to know about the blood crisis facing Romanian hospitals and about the blood donation eligibility requirements, any blood donation campaign has the chance to succeed.
It was a pleasure to collaborate with the blood transfusion center in Suceava, which supported us and gave us the courage to organize this type of campaign for the first time.
We would like to congratulate all of the participants that showed their support for this cause and came with their friends and families to donate. We would also like to show our gratitude to the local companies and non-governmental organizations that joined and supported our cause.
It was an emotional and rewarding journey for us, and a great challenge to organize such a campaign. We truly believe that heroes come in all types and sizes!