ASSIST Software at Codecamp Suceava

June 27, 2017
3 min read
ASSIST Software present at one of the most important events, Codecamp Suceava

This year ASSIST Software joined Codecamp Romania as a Diamond partner for two locations: Piatra Neamt and Suceava. The successful collaboration started in May, at the first edition of Codecamp Piatra Neamt, hosted by Rubik Hub on May 27th. We were present with our team and one speaker, Alexandru Creangă, who had a great presentation called ”Rails productivity at work. Build your web application faster than you ever thought before”. 

On 24th June, the ASSIST team joined the first local Codecamp Romania conference hosted by Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava. The atmosphere was great, filled with good energy and meaningful sessions. We got to know new people, learned many interesting things about artificial intelligence, business leadership, agile architecture, software development, mobile apps, and entrepreneurship. 

ASSIST prizes for the participants

Numerous members from ASSIST Software participated at the event. We enjoyed the sessions, our colleagues` presentations, and networking at the ASSIST booth with everyone interested to get to know us better. We organized a “Tech challenge” for the visitors. Many prizes were offered to those who accepted to test their tech skills. Correct answers to our questions brought ASSIST prizes to the winners: Bukovina Rock Castle Festival pass, vouchers at Bizz Cafe, personalized pens, notes, balls, candies. Another attraction was the stand with live 3D Design demonstrations where our talented and creative colleague, Andrei Barba explained how Hooman Invaders tower defense game was created.

ASSIST speakers at Codecamp Suceava

Out of 15 speakers from Codecamp Suceava, 4 were our talented and experienced colleagues.
Petru Cioata, Web Developer, delivered a session called „Ruby - a pure object-oriented language”, during which participants learned about what is an object-oriented language, why is Ruby considered an OOP language, and which are its main features. His session was an overview of metaprogramming and it attracted numerous “codecampers” to the conference room. 

Marius Bodnariuc, Software Developer, talked about how to “Write your own mocking framework in Ruby”. The session was a live demo in which participants together with the speaker set out to replicate the basic stubbing and mocking support that comes with the popular RSpec framework. Marius talked about Ruby's dynamic nature, as well as light, expressive syntax, and ridiculous support for metaprogramming to achieve what would be a truly daunting task in other languages.

Gabriel Tironeac, Head of Game Development, had a creative session about game CGI trailers. Every software application requires a great video presentation that depicts in a powerful way its qualities. More than in any other application, the gaming industry focuses on high-quality CGI videos for promoting their product. In this presentation, Gabriel went into the technical aspects of creating such a product. From the concept sketches, animations to the final assets each step was explained and discussed. At the same time, a strong focus was directed in the construction of a flexible pipeline that can be used by small developing teams that don’t have the hardware or the manpower of big studios. The audience was amazed by the graphics and all the innovative information they found out.

Dan Ichim closed the ASSIST sessions with a presentation called Vue JS Intro. Our experienced Web developer, Dan Ichim, guided the audience through an introduction to the fundamentals of Vue JS. Those present learned the basics of this awesome JavaScript Framework for building Single page applications and also the basics of Firebase and Webpack.

The First edition of Codecamp Suceava was a successful one. We had the opportunity to meet many enthusiastic students and IT specialists and this experience made us believe that together we can change the community and develop de IT industry and a great specialist. 

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