ASSIST Software at the Annual Job Fair event 2019
ASSIST Software will be present once again at the Annual Job Fair event (Bursa locurilor de muncă pentru absolvenți), which will take place on the 18th of October at Iulius Mall Suceava, at 10.00 am.
The event is organized by AJOFM Suceava (The County Agency for Employment) and is dedicated to the local job seekers, offering a large variety of employment opportunities.
We are excited to meet new people that embrace the passion for technology as we do. Our team is open to welcome young and curios professionals interested in personal and professional development at ASSIST Software.
Besides the job opportunities that we are exposing at AJOFM Suceava, ASSIST Software has open positions that can be seen here and offers internship opportunities for students eager to develop their knowledge and skills.
We are looking forward to meeting new innovative people, respond to their curiosities, change ideas about the latest innovation in technology and discuss future career steps.
See you there!