3D | ASSIST Software Romania
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Tips to become the best player of Hooman Invaders
 Paul Filip gherasim
Paul Filip Gherasim
Tips to become the best player of Hooman Invaders Tower Defense Game. Learn how to use towers in combination with spells and you can be the first one in ...
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The Blacksmith’s House - PC Download & WebGL Version
Raluca Versis
The PC version and WebGL of The Blacksmith’s House - A 2D to 3D workflow pipeline
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Environment Modeling for Mobile Games
Gabriel Tironeac
My task was to create a 3d weapon selection screen for the mobile game Zelgor. It looked as a simple task, but once we analyzed to game flow especially ...
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Passion, the secret ingredient in video games
Andreea Juduc
Andreea JUDUC
Sculpting world war two civilian characters for Zelgor was fun! Yes, fun! Hard when you do it for the first time, but after three characters that are very ...
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Game Environment - Unity Mobile Asset
Andreea Juduc
Andreea JUDUC
Creating a mobile game requires to have the game world environment. For this we created 6 models developed after a concept art.
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Troll Model - Unity Mobile Asset
Gabriel Tironeac
One of the first steps in any mobile game development process represents the library of assets used for creating and populating the game world. This Unity ...
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Rotating a GameObject in Unity3D using the gyroscope
Alexandru BOCA
This post is here to explain how to implement an aiming system to a mobile game development project. Attached you have the script, just attach it to your ...
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The Pipeline Behind modeling, animating and integrating the Flak 88 AA Gun in Zelgor
Gabriel Tironeac
Modelling a Flak 88 AA Gun or any mechanical model requires a different approach from modeling a character due to the technical and physical requirements ...
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The Pipeline Behind Modeling and Animating a Game Character in Zelgor
Gabriel Tironeac
Developing a game ready character requires creating and personalizing your own modeling, texturing and animation pipeline, composed of the following tools: ...
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The future of human - computer interaction
Andrei Cimbru
Andrei Cimbru
Augmented reality (AR) is a cutting-edge technology that allows for a digitally enhanced view of the real world, connecting you with more meaningful content ...
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