Development location
Suceava, Romania
Main activities
- Software Development
- Mobile Application Development
- Digital Platform
- Design
DrupalPHPWordpressDockerThe Our Digital Future project is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA226 program of the European Union and submitted with the project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-VET-095406.
The ODF project contributes to the pledge of the EU Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, as the intellectual outputs that will be created within the project are designed to promote the acquisition of digital skills amongst Europeans. The project aims to raise awareness concerning the future digital jobs, to boost the interest and capacity of career advisors to promote this type of jobs in order to address the digital skills gap, and ultimately to influence the educational systems to develop future talents that match the needs of employers and of the emerging digital economy.
The partners committed to the ODF cause are STOWARZYSZENIE "EURO LIDER" from Poland as a coordinator, INSTALOFI LEVANTE SL (FYG Consultores) from Spain, The Center for Education And Innovation (InnovED) from Greece, UNIDEMI - NOVA University of Lisbon from Portugal and ASSIST Software from Romania.
Target Groups
The main target groups of the ODF project are:
VET career advisors working who provide group and individual career sessions.
Experts (scientists, policymakers, start-ups, businesses) currently specializing in the emerging, digital jobs within space exploration, alternative energy consultancy, 3D printing of organ/body part creation, food technology, robotics, cybersecurity, virtual reality design, and artificial intelligence development.
ODF Objectives
- Contributing to the initial and continuous professional development of VET career advisors;
- Supporting the uptake of digital practices for the teaching by supplying VET career advisors with a set of resources on a digital platform and an app;
- Creating an opportunity for VET career advisors to exchange innovative practices
- Raising awareness among other VET stakeholders and decision-makers about the future emerging jobs and the importance of relevant career advice
ASSIST Software plays the part of the technical partner within the consortium, being responsible for the project’s website page design and development, as well as with the development of a digital platform and an app.
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Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union |
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