PRIORITY a Erasmus+ project | ASSIST Software Romania
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Customer / Partner Country


Development location

Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • Software Development
  • Mobile Application Development
  • eLearning Platform
  • UI/UX
  • Design



The PRIORITY Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action: support for policy reform, action type: social inclusion through education, training, and youth, with the project number: 604571-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN.

To work in the prevention level of a complex phenomenon such as the marginalization and radicalization that lead to violent extremism of young people we need a collective cross-sectoral response from all the different stakeholders that work with young people with the leading role to be in the Youth Work field.

PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth is an innovative project that involves 4 countries: Germany represented by JUGEND- & KULTURPROJEKT, Greece represented by KAINOTOMIA, Romania - represented by ASSIST Software, and Italy represented by Mine Vaganti NGO. Also, it involves 6 organizations such as youth organizations and networks, cultural and sports organizations, training centres, as well as private and public entities and has as aim to increase the capacities of the organizations that work with youth to invest in prevention by removing breeding grounds for radicalisation and act as forces of inclusion, to empower young people from disadvantaged groups to engage, participate democratically and drive positive change in communities, through the use innovative methods and practices coming from the combination of youth work, training, cultural mediation and sports fields.

PRIORITY has two main target groups:

  1. Youth Workers, youth leaders, educators and trainers, sports educators, cross-cultural mediators and municipal youth workers that work with young people and especially with young people with migrant or refugee background
  2. Young people in general and especially young people that face the risk of social exclusion (young people of migrant or refugee background, newly arrived young migrants or refugees)

The specific PRIORITY objectives are:

  • To involve and train first-line practitioners on the ground: they will be the first point of contact for young individuals at risk of marginalization and radicalization.
  • To design innovative methods and solutions of multi-agency, multi-disciplinary cooperation from the combination of existing practices in the fields of youth work, education training as well as sports and culture mediation fields in order to foster the social inclusion of disadvantaged youth at risk of marginalization.
  • To develop, test and upscale safe inclusion youth environments named “PRIORITY Hubs” with a bottom-up approach and youth initiative that will be based on cross-sectoral cooperation of local stakeholders that support youth inclusion with tailor-made activities/ interventions adapted to local circumstances.

PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open and Resilient socieTies for Youth is a project that aims to create local youth inclusive environments that will include young people at risk of marginalization and radicalization such as young migrants and refugees.

Partners of the PRIORITY Project Consortium:

  Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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