EVERYFISH | ASSIST Software Romania
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Main activities

  • ▪ Website developmet
  • ▪ Backend
  • ▪ Platform development


Distributed Ledger TechnologyBigchainDBReactTypeScriptPythonFastAPI

EveryFish will develop, test, and promote a suite of innovative technological solutions for fully automated catch recording and reporting for use on board European fishing vessels. It is a solution designed to monitor the capture of fish and prevent overfishing, with the use of modern AI and computer vision algorithms to detect the species and size of fish and keep track of the captures from each vessel. The collected data will be added to a blockchain-based distributed database that is publicly available for helping enforce regulations. Furthermore, the project proposes to develop innovative governance strategies that make use of the automatically reported catch data. 


  • O1 -  Lower the barrier to entry for uptake of AI in the fisheries sector 
  • O2 -  Better work conditions and more accurate catch reporting in the fisheries at large 
  • O3 -  Standardize catch data for trustworthy and transparent sharing 
  • O4 -  Detect anomalous fishing events and unforeseen changes to the marine ecosystem 
  • O5 -  Digitize fisheries management to the best interests of both the fishers and the fish 
  • O6 -  Identify and address implementation challenges and opportunities 
  • O7 -  Test, validate and promote the project results in European fisheries 

Target Groups:

  • Equipment vendors 
  • Product and app developers 
  • Fishers, fisheries experts, fisheries managers, fishing vessels 
  • Management authorities, fisheries inspectors, governance bodies 

ASSIST Software is responsible with the development of a Distributed ledger technology-based traceability system that will monitor the supply chain and will include information about production, processing, storage, transportation system (including cold chain assurance), retailer, and consumer. Furthermore, ASSIST will implement a fisheries management dashboard to display the results of the large-scale data analysis and anomaly detection algorithms implemented within the project, in order to efficiently identify the subsets of data that are most relevant for fisheries management and marine science. 

EveryFish: Digital transition of catch monitoring in European Fisheries is a project funded by the Horizon Europe - HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-11: Digital transition supporting inspection and control for sustainable fisheries (IA) program.

EVERYFISH Consortium

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