Development location
AmbiAir is the hardware side of BEPA and combines several key user-friendly features; it’s battery-powered, easily deployed, has multiple connectivity options, and is wireless.
Ambisense believes in a data-first, digital focus, so unlike other indoor air quality options, AmbiAir was engineered as an air quality management tool. It is low-cost and is designed for rapid deployment – with no fuss.
Once deployed, Ambilytics alerts you to current or predicted unhealthy air quality changes allowing for a proactive approach to risk management in your indoor spaces.
ASSIST Software designed and implemented the mobile application for AmbiAir, an IoT-driven solution for managing indoor air quality. It displays qualitative metrics and sensor metrics such as CO2, Temperature, Humidity, VOCs, PM, and Noise. The application alerts you when the conditions are below thresholds and guides you on how to improve them.
Key Features:
- Real-time monitoring of various air quality parameters
- Clear and interpretable data visualization
- Predictive analytics for potential air quality concerns
- Integration with Ambilytics data management platform
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