ASSIST Software wins third prize in R&D and High-Tech category at the National Top 2019 Gala | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software wins third prize in R&D and High-Tech category at the National Top 2019 Gala

Thu, 14 Nov 2019

We are proud to announce that on the 7th of November 2019, ASSIST Software won the third prize in the "Research, Development, and High-Tech - Medium-sized Enterprises" category, at the "National Top of Romanian Companies 2019" (TNF 2019) gala, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR).

ASSIST Software is one of the most important R&D companies in Southeastern Europe, with 27 years of experience in providing complex hardware and software solutions. This award is an important accomplishment for ASSIST Software and at the same time, an honor for us to be recognized as one of the best-performing companies in Romania in the tech field. 

The TNF 2019 ranking was determined based on a number of indicators regarding net turnover, operating profit, human resources usage efficiency, and capital employed. This ranking is implemented by the Chambers of Commerce in all counties of Romania and is based on a unitary and transparent methodology.

Our company's achievements and recognition at the national and international level were possible because of our innovative team,  which has grown significantly over the past few years. As a team, ASSIST Software focused on keeping up with the latest technologies and to continuously specialize and improve its skills. 

We have a proven track record of developing high-quality software solutions and to date, our company has 463  finished products, 252  satisfied customers, and 200 full-time employees eager to receive new digital challenges that need to be resolved.
We are a local company based in Suceava, Romania with talented developers and a wide portfolio of successful projects, and we provide professional software outsourcing services for individuals and companies around the world.

We are grateful to have been awarded such a prestigious award and we are proud of the ASSIST Software team as without their passion and hard work, this achievement would not have been possible. We thank all those who have contributed to this success!



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