StartUp Internationalization Multiplier Event in Suceava | ASSIST Software Romania
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StartUp Internationalization Multiplier Event in Suceava

Thu, 24 Mar 2016

StartUp Internationalization Multiplier Event in Suceava-ASSIST Software Romania

On March 23st, at the ASSIST OPEN 2016 Event hosted by  Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava, was held the StartUp Internationalization Multiplier Event. Students and teachers of the Suceava University, interested in the internationalization topic, have participated in it.

The event began with a presentation of the project and its objectives, followed by a live demo of the course, where participants had a first contact with it. At the end of demo, participants were asked to give their feedback related to the quantity and the quality of the information provided, opinions which will contribute to improving the final course version.



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