Connect Bucovina powered by Cisco and ASSIST Software | ASSIST Software Romania
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Connect Bucovina powered by Cisco and ASSIST Software

Mon, 08 Oct 2018

 Connect Bucovina powered by Cisco and ASSIST Software-ASSIST Software Romania

The Connect Bucovina event, organized by Cisco in collaboration with ASSIST Software, in Suceava on October 4, brought together a large part of the representatives of the business environment in Suceava county, interested in the latest trends in IT. 

During this presentation, the emphasis was placed on digital transformation as a top priority in successful business development strategies through case studies and live demonstrations offered by the specialists. Moreover, the participants learned about what makes a business Cyber Secured & GDPR compliant, what is hyper-convergence, and also different facts about SD WAN. 

We sincerely value the collaboration with our reliable business partner Cisco, and we are thankful to all our customers who accepted our invitation to Connect Bucovina. 



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