Competition Announcement for Promotions to Upper Professional and Scientific Degrees | ASSIST Software Romania
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Competition Announcement for Promotions to Upper Professional and Scientific Degrees

Tue, 01 Mar 2022


On the 18th of April 2022, at 10:00 am, ASSIST Software is organizing the contest for advancing scientific professional degrees for the ASSIST Software employees involved in research-development-innovation for: 

  • Technological development engineer, IDT degree - 12 positions; 
  • Technological development engineer, IDT III degree - 3 positions. 

Conditions of participation abide by Law no. 319/2003 on the status of research and development staff.

The contest is organized at ASSIST Software Suceava, Str. Tipografiei No.1

Registration is open until the 11th of April 2022, 5:00 PM at the ASSIST Software headquarters in Suceava county. Please contact the Human Resources Department at +40230521100 or by email mentioning "IDT Contest"
The list of competition documents can be obtained from the Human Resources department at ASSIST Software, email:
Complaints can be submitted within three working days from the posting of preliminary results, at the ASSIST Software headquarters, or can be sent by email to


ASSIST Software SRL organizează în data de 18.04.2022 orele 10:00 concursul pentru promovare în grade profesionale științifice pentru personalul ASSIST Software din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare, astfel: 

  • Inginer dezvoltare tehnologică gradul IDT – 12 posturi; 
  • Inginer dezvoltare tehnologică gradul IDT III – 3 posturi. 

Condițiile de participare sunt prevăzute de Legea nr 319/2003 privind statutul personalului de cercetare-dezvoltare. 

Concursul se organizează la ASSIST Software Suceava, Str. Tipografiei Nr.1

Înscrierea se face până la data de 11.04.2022, orele 17:00 la sediul ASSIST Software, Jud. Suceava, dept. Resurse Umane, +40 230 521 100, sau email: cu mențiunea „Concurs IDT”. 

Lista cu documentele din dosarul de concurs se poate obține de la dept. Resurse Umane al ASSIST Software, email:

Contestațiile se pot depune în termen de 3 zile lucrătoare de la afișarea rezultatelor preliminare, la sediu sau pot fi trimise prin email la



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