ASSIST Software brings joy for Christmas to children in need | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software brings joy for Christmas to children in need

Mon, 23 Dec 2019

What would Christmas be without magic, kindness, gifts, and joy? It would be sad, wouldn’t it? 

That’s why, year after year, around the Christmas period, the ASSIST Software team gathers to raise funds in order to bring joy to kids in need

Last December, we decided to take on the roles of Santa Claus' elves and bring some of the Christmas magic to 43 children from disadvantaged backgrounds, living in Suceava and in the village of Leucușești

The magic happened on the 20th of December when we distributed food, clothing and hygiene products to the families in Leucușești. In addition, our team reached out to the children of the "Lumină Lină" Association in Suceava with many goodies, as well as a Smart TV and two computers to facilitate their access to online educational resources. 

The reactions of the little ones have overwhelmed us with excitement and made us rejoice that we have contributed to making more beautiful and more abundant Christmas holidays for these dear children. 

Year after year, this kind of activity reminds us of the things that really matter in life. We learned to appreciate what we have, to be good, to be kind, to enjoy the little things and most importantly, to act like humans. 




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