ASSIST Hiking Day 2024: From "The Devil's Mill" to Rarau | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Hiking Day 2024: From "The Devil's Mill" to Rarau

Wed, 21 Aug 2024


On the 3rd of August, a total of 100 members of the ASSIST Software community ventured on a new mountain adventure from Moara Dracului Gorges to Popii Rarăului, targeting Rarău Peak. This 20-kilometer hike through the Moldo-Transylvanian Carpathians takes you through diverse landscapes and breathtaking natural beauty.  Curious about making this your next adventure?  Read on to discover key segments of this hike, including essential information and tips for a memorable experience. 


The starting point 

We began the hike at the Moara Dracului Gorges, a geological formation renowned for its narrow pathways and high rock walls. Known locally as "The Devil's Mill," these gorges result from years of water erosion, creating a beautiful scene of steep cliffs and winding trails. If you want to hike this route, be prepared for rocky and uneven terrain. It can be slippery in places, so good hiking shoes are essential! The Gorges are a geological marvel and a haven for various plant species. As you navigate through the gorges, keep an eye out for unique rock formations and diverse flora. 



The ascent 

After leaving the Gorges, we continued to ascend towards Popii Rarăului, a section known for its panoramic views over the mountains and nearby cities. This part of the hike became moderately challenging, mixing forested paths and open spaces. The ascent demanded some effort, so it was important to pace ourselves and stay hydrated. The "Popii Rarăului" stones are a series of impressive pillar-shaped rock formations.  The name “Popii Rarăului” translates to “The Priests of Rarau” reflecting the rocks’ resemblance to the figures of priests.  These natural monuments are visually striking and make an excellent spot for breaks and photos. 

Our final goal of the hike was to reach Rarău Peak, which stands at 1,651 meters. Known for its stunning views, Rarău is the highest peak of Eastern Carpathians. However, weather can change rapidly at higher elevations, and on this day, we encountered light but long-lasting rain as we approached the peak. Thus, due to the slippery and unsafe conditions, we decided to alter the planned route. Instead of reaching the summit and descending via the steep slope, we preferred to descend on the Transrarău Road, a safer alternative given the weather. 



The descent 

Transrărau, the third most beautiful road in Romania after Transalpina and Transfăgărășan, is a mountain road that goes through the Rarău Mountains. Although it wasn't part of the original plan, descending this road turned out to be a fun experience. The road is known for its sharp hairpin turns and stunning views, even more enchanting when shrouded in mist from the rain. This route offers a safer and less physically demanding descent compared to the steep slope we initially planned to take. The asphalt surface provides better traction in wet conditions, making it a prudent choice for ensuring safety.

After completing the hike, we headed to Popasul Baciului, a popular restaurant in Câmpulung Moldovenesc. This restaurant was the perfect place to relax after the long hike. The hearty meal was ideal for replenishing our energy and sharing stories from the day's adventure. 



Our tips for future hikers 

  • Footwear: Hiking shoes with a good grip are essential, especially in rocky and slippery areas like gorges. 
  • Weather check: Always check the weather forecast and be prepared for sudden changes, especially at higher elevations. 
  • Hydration and nutrition: Carry enough water and snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the hike. 
  • Safety first: Don't hesitate to alter your route if conditions become unsafe. Safety should always be the top priority. 
  • Enjoy the scenery: Take your time to enjoy the diverse landscapes.



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