Murali Krishnan | ASSIST Software Romania | English
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I worked with ASSIST to help with projects for, a startup specializing in big data analysis for revenue and marketing. We wanted to build robust, reliable, and simple to use applications for browser add-ins and for mobile phone OS. ASSIST team was skilled in developing proof of concepts, iterating through detailed design and deliverables. In the course of two years of work with ASSIST, I was impressed to see the versatility of their team to work on multiple projects in a structured manner.

The ASSIST team participated in weekly calls and took inputs to raise the quality of deliverables. ASSIST team also took inputs to optimize their budgets and delivery timelines to fit our needs.

I recommend ASSIST for outsourced projects that can benefit from period checkpoints and budget control.

- Murali Krishnan

VP of Technology at Transform Inc.


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Alexandru Pătru

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Brian Torrey

Head Of Engineering

Stratify Technologies, Inc., Seattle, Washington


Julia Turc


Storia AI, New York

Jay Bartot - ASSIST Software - Testimonial

Jay Bartot

CEO and Co-founder

Zeitworks Technologies, Inc., Seattle, Washington

Photo of Spencer Cheng CEO Metastitch, Inc.

Spencer Cheng


Metastitch, Inc.

Sorin Manta - ASSIST Software Testimonial

Sorin Manta


LUMOS Technologies Inc.


Do you want to get in touch with us? 

If you are interested in our software development services, you would like to join our team, or you simply want to find out more about us, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line and a member of the ASSIST team will get back to you as soon as possible. We are sure we can ASSIST you.