The official kick-off-meeting of the Self-SDG project

ASSIST Software has consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment to community engagement, fostering innovation, and advocating for sustainable practices. For this reason, we are proud to be part of a new Erasmus+ initiative – the Self-SDG project, dedicated to promoting education for sustainable development.
With the collaboration of IES Cristóbal de Monroy and Avantia Foundation from Spain, RCE Oldenburger Münsterland - Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development from Germany, Bratislava Policy Institute from Slovakia, and GLUK Advice BV from the Netherlands, ASSIST is set to develop a mobile application featuring gamification elements. This app is designed to enable users to self-assess and elevate their commitment to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On January 11th and 12th, the consortium met in Vechta, Germany, for the project’s kick-off meeting, skilfully hosted by RCE. Following the initial formalities and the general overview of the project objectives and financial considerations, the consortium seized the opportunity to conduct a design thinking workshop. During this session, participants brainstormed ideas for the mobile application, delving into aspects such as initial research, workflow, data privacy, and user engagement. The participation of our Head of Product Design, Remus Baltariu, was an invaluable asset to the workshop.
The project's initial phase focuses on exploring innovative approaches to education and engagement that inspire and equip citizens to take active and responsible roles in addressing social and environmental challenges. This exploration will guide the development of the mobile application's design and architecture, as well as the strategies for disseminating the project's results.
Through this challenging initiative, the project consortium aims to not only promote awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also actively contribute to their realization. This project reflects our belief in the transformative power of education and innovation as catalysts for sustainable change. As we embark on this journey, ASSIST remains dedicated to creating a lasting impact on communities through meaningful and sustainable educational endeavours.
The Self-SDG project is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA220-SCH program of the European Union and submitted under project ID 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000156653.