The ODF Project Second Newsletter

January 03, 2022
2 min read
Our Digital Future Newsletter ASSIST Software

Nine months into the project, the ODF consortium has successfully implemented the assigned activities, advancing their work on the three intellectual outputs they have committed to achieve.  

ASSIST Software has designed and developed a multilingual website to ensure proper dissemination of the project. The ODF website is available in English, Polish, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, and Romanian. The News and Project Results sections will be updated periodically, to provide information on the latest accomplishments of the consortium.  

The project partners have created 32 infographics dedicated to the eight technology fields that the project has set out to promote: space exploration, alternative energy consultancy, 3D printing of organs / body parts creation, food technology, robotics, cybersecurity, virtual reality design, and artificial intelligence development. For each of these emerging technologies, four infographics have been created, covering their description, implementation, required skills, and job descriptions. The partners are currently working on the translations of the infographics into their native languages.  

Furthermore, the partner organizations have begun work on the project's second intellectual output – video interviews with experts in the fields mentioned above, who will share their knowledge on the subjects. 

ASSIST Software has designed a web app to promote the eight technologies using the content of the infographics and the video interviews prepared by project partners. The development of the web app has begun, and the content of the infographics will be soon transposed into the platform.  

Stay tuned for more exciting news about the ODF project!  

The Our Digital Future project is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA226 program of the European Union and submitted with the project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-VET-095406

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